PTSD Self-Assessment Quiz Feeling ongoing anger, fear, or guilt Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Feeling jumpy, irritable, or easily startled Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Feelings very upset or having physical reactions (e.g., heart pounding, trouble breathing, or sweating) when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Feeling detached from people and things around you Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Feeling humiliated or ashamed by an individual or a group Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Feeling that things are your fault Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Feeling stuck on autopilot or just going through the motions it takes to stay alive Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Difficulty remembering things Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Difficulty concentrating or sleeping Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Difficulting doing things that you need to do Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Struggling with an addiction (food, sex, alcohol, shopping, drugs, etc.) Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Being stalked Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Being pressured into sexual activities Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Suddenly acting or feeling as if a stressful experience were happening again (as if you were reliving it) Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Repeated disturbing thoughts, memories, dreams, or images of a stressful experience in the past Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None The need to avoid thoughts, people, or situations that remind you of a difficult experience Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Loss of interest in things that you used to enjoy Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Experienced being stalked Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Things you need like money, food, hygiene items, etc. kept from you or controlled by someone else Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Living in fear of another person for an extended time Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional)